3 Jul. 2018 (11:01)

Air quality measurement network with Fidas® fine dust monitors

For selecting the site of a major industrial project in the Near East, Palas® delivered a complex air quality measurement network for the first time on behalf of an international engineering company.

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The deployment involved five Fidas® 200 type fine dust monitors, a gas analyser, as well as a datalogger for transmitting the measurement data via the mobile phone network. Besides assessing the general suitability of the location for the planned industrial project, this measurement network is also intended to determine the requirements for the building materials and the ventilation equipment required.

All devices are accommodated in stainless steel weather-protected enclosures, which are equipped with high-performance outdoor air conditioning units to ensure safe operation even at high environmental temperatures. The dust levels at different heights from 2 to 16 meters above ground level are measured with the Fidas® fine dust monitors. In addition, another Fidas® fine dust monitor tracks the coarse dust fraction up to 100 µm. The gas analyser is used to investigate the air for corrosive substances. This project has been running since 2017; the measurement devices were delivered and put into operation in the first half year of 2018.
Further information about our certified fine dust measuring system Fidas ®.

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